Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fail?? It's NOT a big deal!

Hi peeps!! How's life going??

I wanted to blog couple days ago, but it seems impossible since I was pretty busy lately coz uni hit me with lot of reports and tests.
By the way, I'm on my week break now yay!! *happy face

Okay, to make it short, let starts :P
Are you guys familiar with the words

I bet all of you have ever gone through a failure or even failures in the
journey of your life whether it is a failure in education, work's environment, family, friendship, love, or relationship with God.
Well, it's human nature and it's just normal!

I bore some failures which certainly annoyed my mood overnight. I was completely miserable and I felt like I was the biggest looser in the earth. Shame was my friend and my world was full of disappointment. It sounds dramatic, huh?
For all time, my life has transformed since I adapted a new perspective about failure. And I want you to know that nobody born loser. Nobody!!

So, What does failure mean for me?
Failure doesn't mean I far from a-so-called successful. It hints at how close I am to it to try one step ahead.

Failure doesn't mean I missed doing my project. It proves I have learned something justly.

Failure doesn't mean I went foolishness. It shows that I was brave enough to risk by exploring new orbit that I have never encountered before.

Failure doesn't ought to make me loss of face. It indicates that my best has just not good enough.

Failure doesn't mean I am out of the game. It means I have to play again in different way.

Failure doesn't mean I'm not excellence. But, it is true that I am not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean I will never enter the gate of success. I just need a courage to carry out some more exercises like what I did in elementary school, which are exercising and homeworking to get straight A+ in the test.

Failure doesn't mean I have wasted my time and failed for the rest of my life. At least I have a hope to start again.

And Failure doesn't mean you have beaten me. We are in the same stage and you just have a better idea.

I will conclude that failures do not define you and me. It's your attitude and mine. You are allowed to cry a river, but then, build a bridge and get over it.
We always have a second chance.. Never give up mates!!